M o u s e h o l e g a r d e n

Mousehole Garden, Tom White

Long term project for contemporary artist, Tom White. Developing, sustaining and nurturing a 2 acre site with several microclimates and existing terrains with planting from subtropical to woodland and wildflower areas. Work over 2+ years has included hard & soft landscaping, seating areas, pathways, stone hedging, planting, remedial works.
Client reveiw

We find Barbara very good value all round!

In the summer of 2021 Barbara was recommended to me to help manage and develop my then recently purchased two acre garden that surrounds a house and holiday let. The property is on a steep slope,and contains beds with planting ranging from subtropical to shrubberies, with a quarter of an acre of woodland at the very top. This all looked lovely when I bought the house, but quickly overgrew in the mild climate of the south facing village of Mousehole.
I know nothing about how to manage a garden like this, and felt totally overwhelmed!
Barbara immediately displayed her knowledge of plants and was confident that she could help, and started work as soon as she had a vacancy in her busy schedule.

Over the past years she has regularly and consistently come to work there to manage, redevelop and bring out the beauty in the garden. She has also found subcontractors and under gardeners to help with large amelioration works, landscaping projects, bespoke stone walling and general maintenance of hedges and lawns. Barbara specifically applies her plant knowledge to keeping the garden in good order and looking beautiful all year round, whilst applying her design skills to restyling previously unruly areas of the garden whilst developing the planting in more established areas.
We have a very good working relationship with her, and are always happy with the look of the garden when we return from our frequent trips away or our other homes.

We like the way she is completely reliable and works so autonomously, but will always keep us updated with the jobs done each time she goes to the garden and will always ask before making any significant decisions.
Her fees are very reasonable for someone with her qualifications and experience,we find her very good value all round.

Tom White (Urban Artist)